Let’s dive right into our topic:
Why is 0xACID considered the best tool for long-term ETH holders?
It offers stable long-term interest income.
It provides a passive ETH holding option.
It offers potential leverage through long options.
It eliminates the risk of position liquidation.
Initially, the goal was to create a locking tool for ETH. During the bear market, a solution was developed where users could create their own vault to lock ETH and hold it passively. However, it was soon realized that this solution alone was not enough. Simply locking ETH in one vault may not incentivize enough users to use it. Staking ETH in other protocols to generate yield may not be feasible for users who are wary of the dramatic market swings.
So, a different approach was taken to achieve the goal. By holding $ACID, you are essentially locking a share of control over the treasury (revenue sharing). This requires you to lock a portion of your tokens, while the ETH in the treasury can be used flexibly in various DeFi strategies. By locking your tokens and going long on the value of Ethereum, you receive a share of the yield generated by the ETH in the treasury. For example, if the ETH staking yield is 5% per year, and only 50% of $ACID is locked, then the APR for locked tokens is 10%. There is also a difference in yield based on the lock-up period.
In addition to this, the model also includes an inflation mechanism, which exploits non-long-term investors. The longer you hold and lock your tokens, the larger your share of the total will become (since the lock-up cannot be 100%). This shift in focus from dollar value to percentage value is beneficial for holding an asset in the long term. Those who persist until the end can receive more dividend income than their initial investment, as well as the long-term appreciation of Ethereum, resulting in a double win for ETH!
By locking tokens, the proportion of short-term speculators in the dividend pool will decrease. Over time, the proportion of locked tokens in the pool will increase. Through this model, you are not only long on ETH, but also long on time. The longer you hold, the higher the yield, which is another way to potentially leverage your position.
In the ACID protocol, there is no risk of liquidation. Most of the investment strategies are in large ETH staking protocols or providing liquidity to large DEXs, reducing the risk of loss of treasury assets. All strategies are executed by multi-signature individuals, with 3 out of 5 signature addresses controlled by different members, providing a level of distributed security in time and space. Compared to personal management or cold wallets, this system provides a more secure guarantee through a combination of distributed security factors.
On March 10th, liquidity will be added to Sushi Swap, and the official launch on Arbitrum will take place. All team shares will be locked for one year for greater profits. The next step is to expand the market reach, offer more diverse treasury strategies, and potentially launch asset management products in the LSD field, all with the goal of making ETH more valuable. The goal is to continue growing without limits.
“Take a drop of Acid, the future is looking bright and full of hope.” - 0xAcid Protocol
回到最開始,我們想做ETH的鎖倉工具。熊市期間我們曾經做過一個工具,每個人都可以創建一個屬於自己的可以鎖定ETH的vault,單純得希望幫用戶hold ETH。但我們很快發現這個需求不夠真實。
把ETH Stake到五花八門的協議去賺yield,又有多大概率一直hold得住?
假設現在持有ACID只需要通過Lock保持自己在金庫控製權(收益分享)的份額,等同於強製鎖定這部分本金被動長期作多以太坊的價值,同時金庫裡的ETH還可以靈活的運用在各種Defi策略產出回報。在0xACID的規則裡,金庫的ETH yield只分給鎖倉ACID的用戶,假設ETH staking yield 一年5%,但只有50%的ACID被用戶鎖定了,那麼對於鎖定的這部分ACID來說Apr 是10%,而且不同的鎖定期之間也有收益差。我們還在此模型中加入了通脹,通脹是一個剝削計劃,剝削非長期投資者的人群。如果你一直Lock,那麼你在所有鎖倉中的佔比會一直保持甚至提升(因Lock幾乎不可能是100%),目的是將人們的注意力從$ 轉移到%, 這對長期持有資產來一定是有益的。我們期待的是ETH Yield隨著金庫增長而增長的同時ETH價值(價格))本身也在增長,從而實現ETH的戴維斯雙擊!堅定Lock的人擠壓短期投機者的份額,長期下來將提升自己原本在分紅池的佔比。通過這個模型我們在做多ETH同時也在做多時間,時間越久堅持Lock的人收益加成會越高,這是潛在幣本位作多的另一種方式。
這一切發生在0xACID協議,且最重要的是沒有清算風險。0xACID執行策略選擇在規模較大的ETH Staking Pool質押ETH或去大型Dex提供LSD資產流動性,所以潛在損失金庫資產的可能性非常低。所有的策略都由多簽錢包執行,3/5的簽名地址控制權分別來自不同的成員,在時間和空間上也保證了一定的分布性,相對於個人管理或冷錢包來說,由足夠分佈的安全因素組成的保障更值得信任。
我們將在10號添加流動性(Sushi Swap),同時在arbitrum正式發佈我們的產品。團隊份額全部鎖定1年,為了更大的利潤前進。接下來我們會做的是更多元化(國際化)的市場觸及,更豐富的金庫策略,還可能推出lsd領域的資產管理產品,一切就是為了不擇手段的將ETH變多。我們的目標是一直增長,沒有盡頭!
“滴一滴ACID在你的眼睛上吧,未來是那麼光明且美好!” - 0xAcid Protocol團隊敬上
Hey bro, I know you got that good stuff, why don't you hit me up so I can get some of that good good on OTC?